Cards, Cards, Cards

Finished doesn’t necessarily mean totally finished as I now had to experience myself. Today I reworked all the cards for my board games Capital and Plantage. It was necessary because due to the fact that there were changes applied to the stats and texts on the cards during the last plays, they looked really messy. They were still playable, but i prefer to have clean and good cards that display a certain finality. So today, i took the opportunity to rework them all. Only thing i have to do now is, to print them on thick colored paper, cut them out and laminate them, so that they will stay clean. Then i really can call the games finished. I added a photograph from Plantage on the site, so you can take a look how the game looks like in play.

Cap 6-1

Due to the fact that there isn’t much to say about my music at the moment and the fact that i have been working on my board games a lot, i thought, why not giving that area a stronger focus in the nest days.

Today, i start with my first board game called Capital. The development of this game started in the year of 1995, when i was doing civil services instead of army service. It all started with the idea and before i even stuck my hands into the creation of any game material i planned the complete game on paper. Shortly after that, i wanted to create the game material and i was really lucky at that time, because the man, who supervised me in my civil work had a woodwork studio in his home, so i took the offer and created the complete Continue reading



  • Start of development: 1995
  • Actual Version: 6.1
  • Players: 2 – 8
  • Playtime: 3 – 8 hours
  • Status: finished

Capital is an economic simulation in which the player assumes the role of a company founder, who must, like his competitors, build a business and lead to economic success. The goal of the game is to be the first company to take over a majority stake by another player. An optional objective may also be taking over the business of all the other players. Capital is only slightly influenced by the luck of the dice, but depends more on the choices of the player. An increasing number of players increases the fun and also playing time.

Photos coming soon.